Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Whoa what happened there…and the start of two new stories.

Well I didn't managed to keep my blog up to date as intended (no surprise there) but I am back in the saddle now. There are many tales to tell and I will recap from where I left off…at least I took lots of screenshots along the way.

Also this i the start of a journey for my son too (he is 9 and has started playing WoW). Before you lambast me that it is a 12 on the box…I know this…and I know the reasons for it being a 12…My son is mature enough to understand the basic lore themes and cope with the small amount of  blood and gore (I am usually sitting with him when he plays too). The problem for me is actually the MM part of MMORPG…so if you switch of a chat, whispers, etc you are minimising the chance or bad language, etc and if he gets harassed he immediately tells me.

So that said you will see two adventures in this blog. (well 3 actually but I don't want to spoil it until I have caught up). Eldrain, my Tauren Paladin (my original Holy Cow) and Broxon.

The project I have started with my son is he will play Wow and then right up a diary (yes that is written on paper - to improve his literacy) of what has happened to Broxon and I will put it up here…so Stay tuned

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