Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Life in a Northern (Barrens) Town

So after Mulgore I headed out to the Northern Barrens for a spot of adventuring.

I can honestly say that after levelling before it is REALLY hard to make yourself stop and read the quest text...and actually it is pretty fun when you do so.
The caravan quest line was fun...and there was enough diversity in the quests to keep it fun.
Ratchet is a great diversion after all the barrens, well barren-ness.

I still spent time wandering around a bit a found the entrance to Wailing Caverns...and for old times sake I did have to climb on top of the entrance and drop down into the right hand "eye-hole" to see if any NPCs were there...sadly not...I would have quite liked a plaque of remembrance in there so that the old classic WoW adventurer had something to smile about...makes me wonder if the bottle at the bottom of the Thandol Span is still there....what a quest find that was!

I didn't even mind walking around really...but I had forgotten how much easier a mount is.

The Northern Barrens definitely has an Us against the environment feel. Very PvE feel.
Also I was able to level my skills pretty well...although fishing and cooking are still well ahead...and Deviate Fish are still pretty cool.

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